Music of Cyberworld

Dear visitors,
The musical sites presented on this web page are by no means complete. If you know of more (musical sites), please let me know. Thanks!

Street Philosophers Society

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Without music life would be a mistake..

Nietzsche, 1844-1900

  1. General
  2. Theory
    1. General Western Music Theory
    2. Contemporary Music Theory
  3. Performance
    1. Accordions & Concertinas
      1. General
      2. Instrument Dealers
      3. Places to Shop
      4. Instructional Material & Help
      5. Sheet Music
      6. Miscellaneous Resources
      7. Ensembles / Artists
    2. Drums & Percussion
      1. General
      2. Manufacturers
        1. Drum Sets
        2. other Drums and Misc. Percussion
        3. Cymbals
        4. Sticks and Accessories
      3. Places to Shop
      4. Publications
      5. Instructional Material & Help
      6. Sheet Music
      7. Organizations
    3. Guitars and other String Instruments
      1. General Information
      2. Specific Instruments
        1. Guitars
          1. General
          2. Manufacturers
            1. Guitars
            2. Amplifiers, accessories, effects, etc
            3. Places to Shop
            4. Vintage & Used Instruments Dealers
            5. Guitar Publications|
            6. Instructional Material & Help
            7. Chords & Tablature
            8. Sheet Music
        2. Banjo
          1. General
          2. Manufacturers & Stores
          3. Publications
          4. Instructional Material & Help
          5. Sheet Music & Tablature
        3. Violin / Cello / Viola
          1. General
          2. Manufacturers & Stores
          3. Instructional Material & Help
        4. Harp
          1. General
          2. Manufacturers & Stores
        5. Mandolia
          1. Manufacturers & Stores
        6. Dulcimer
          1. General
          2. Manufacturers & Stores
          3. Instructional Material & Help
    4. Hard-to-Find and Exotic Instruments
      1. General
      2. Manufacturers & Stores
    5. Pianos and Keyboard Instruments
      1. General
      2. Manufacturers & Stores
      3. Instructional Material & Help
      4. Sheet Music
    6. Wind Instruments
      1. General
      2. Manufacturers, Stores
      3. Instructional Material, Help
      4. Specific Instruments
        1. Clarinet
        2. Recorder
        3. Saxophone
          1. General
          2. Artists
          3. Publication
        4. Oboe
        5. Trombone
        6. Trumpet
        7. Flute
    7. Vocalists
  4. Commercial
  5. Musical Acoustics, Cognition
  6. Criticism
  7. Musicians
    1. Alternative
      [ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
    2. Blusgrass
    3. Blues
    4. Classical
      1. Composers
      2. Performers
      3. Conductors
      4. Orchestras
    5. Country / Western
    6. Folk
    7. Hip Hop
    8. Jazz
    9. Rock
  8. Kinds of Music
    1. Chinese
    2. Folk
    3. Pop and Rock
    4. Hip Hop
    5. Metal
    6. Jazz
    7. Country
    8. Classical |
    9. Blues and Soul
  9. Music Schools / Academic Program
  10. Music Databases
  11. Music Newsgroups
  12. Composition
  13. Technology
    1. Theory and Reseach
    2. MIDI
      1. General
      2. Manufacturers & Stores
      3. Tablature Software
    3. Hardware
    4. Software
  14. Music Journals
  15. Dancing
  16. Genres
    1. Alternative Music
    2. Bluegrass Music
    3. Classical Music
    4. Jazz Music
    5. Rock Music
    6. World Music
  17. Miscellaneous
    1. Virtual Record Stores
    2. Resources For Musicians
      1. Agents
      2. Music Industry Services:
      3. Management
      4. Promoters
      5. Production Companies
      6. Studios
    3. Record Labels
      1. Indie Labels
      2. Corporate Labels
      3. Music Related Books and Magazines
      4. Radio Stations
        1. Canada
        2. USA
          1. Arizona
          2. California
            [ Davis:| Freedom: | Long Beach: | Los Angeles: | Sacramento: | San Diego: | San Francisco: | Sonoma County: | Stanford: ]
          3. North Carolina
            [ Raleigh: ]
          4. Colorado
            [ Boulder: | Denver: ]
          5. Connecticut
          6. Florida
            [ Gainesville: | Miami: | Orlando: ]
          7. Georgia
          8. Illinois
            [ Champaign: | Chicago: | Evanston: | Kankakee: ]
          9. Indiana
            [ Bloomington: | Evansville: ]
          10. Kansas
            [ Lawrence: | Wichita: ]
          11. Kentucky
            [ Lexington: | Louisville: ]
          12. Maine
          13. Maryland
          14. Massachusetts
            [ Boston: | Cambridge: | Medford: ]
          15. Michigan
          16. Mississippi
          17. Nevada
          18. New Hampshire
          19. New Jersey
          20. New Mexico
          21. New York
            [ Geneva: | New York City: | Syracuse: ]
          22. Ohio
            [ Athens: | Cincinnati: | Cleveland: | Columbus: | Kent: | Toledo: ]
          23. Pennsylvania
          24. Tennessee
            [ Knoxville: | Nashville: ]
          25. Texas
            [ Dallas: | Houston: ]
          26. Virginia
            [ Charlottesville: | Harrisonburg: | Norfolk: ]
          27. Washington
          28. Wisconsin
        3. Hong Kong
        4. Taiwan
    4. Searchable Music Indexes
    5. Miscellaneous Music Sites
    6. Alternative

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